Ways to Chill in the Summer

Sunday, June 24, 2012 3 Awesome Comments
Hello Readers,

Its that time for some of you in the summer where you may get bored. Here are some items of what you should do.

1. Ice Skate
I am a skater and during the summer ice skating is a great way to cool off. Also the ice has barely  anyone on it so you and your friends can do whatever you want.

2. Make a smoothie
I love smoothies. They are very healthy and taste great.

3. Sell Popsicles
Well now there is a law that you need a permit to sell Lemonade here in the USA :/ So I made a popsicle stand. Not the popsicles that are on a stick but the Frozen ice ones that you drink. Also if you can buy the 200 popsicles for 5 dollars. I made about 15 dollars off of one fourth of the box.

4. Water balloon games
Invite your friends over and have water balloon games. Some ideas include; baseball with water balloons, Hot potato, and throwing the balloon and seeing who's pops last.

5. Make a scrap book
Just take a bunch of photos and use some cool paper. You can write comments and everything to remember fun times with your friends, family, pets, and more.



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3 Awesome Comments:

  • Anonymous said...

    Are you sure it's illegal to sell lemonade? It's usually just if you're making a huge profit from it.

    And haha. You said "barley" instead of "barely".

  • Art123peace said...

    Mandylou4- Thanks for telling me. Well you now need a permi for selling Lemonade. I doubt anyone will shut you down though.

    Heav- Thats awesome! Thats what I am doing!

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